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Meet Season on a Dime: Places to Stay

We're gearing up for meet season already over here. What? But it's only August! Yes, but I'm sure by now you have the dates for all the meets your coach registered your child for, and so now begins the scramble to make reservations and plans. I won't really be able to give you meet season on a literal dime (like my title promises), but I do have a few tips for helping you save money. Today we'll focus on one aspect of travel savings: places to stay. We live in a city that is about three hours equidistant from three major cities, so most of our meets are at least a three-hour drive away. I rarely ever have to book a hotel for my daughter and me. We usually try to go with a less expensive option. Drive Over and Back: On the road again.... Must be gymnastics season! Sometimes we resort to this cost-saving measure if A's session falls in the middle of the day. That way we don't spend extra money staying somewhere and can get back to our regular lives m...

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